Every time you take your boat on the water it will encounter the elements, making it dirty. Water spray leaves blemishes on the windshield, grime from the water sticks to the hull, and you’ll constantly have sand littering your floors. Regular cleaning helps keep your boat performing well and looking its best! 

Use the Proper Supplies

Before you begin cleaning, make sure you have all of the necessary supplies on hand. You’ll need a few brushes, both soft and hard-bristled, several cloths, a squeegee, a mop and bucket, and sponges. Next, you’ll need access to a hose with adequate water pressure. 

You’ll also need to choose a wash and polish. It’s important to select a wash that is made for your specific boat type that is also environmentally friendly. Be cautious about purchasing and using concentrated formulas, as they could be too harsh for your boat’s coating. Gentler products tend to be better!


Being prepared before cleaning will help the process go more smoothly. Have all of your cleaning supplies ready to go! Gather up any trash or recycling, remove any unnecessary items, and take note of inventory at this time.

Cleaning the Interior

Along with doing a general tidying up of your space, now is the best time to disinfect the interior. Use gentle cleaning agents and rags to wipe down all surfaces and utilize a mop and bucket to clean the deck. You can also use soapy water to clean your vinyl and upholstery!

Cleaning the Exterior

As you prepare to clean the outside of your boat, remember to work in small sections. You want to rinse the soap away before it has a chance to dry to avoid unappealing streaking that can damage the finish. 

Start from the top and work your way down. Be very thorough with your cleaning because it will make waxing much easier and more beneficial! Allow the water to air dry or use a cloth or squeegee to wipe away the excess.


Once the exterior of your boat is completely dry, use your boat wax to add a layer of protection. You should wax your boat at least twice a year; before winter storage and when you take it out of storage. 

Waxing your boat not only adds a layer of protection from debris but also makes your job easier in the long run because you won’t need to detail your boat as often. Plus, a well-waxed boat glistens in the sun!


Ideally, you should clean your boat after each use, but if that’s not an option, you should at least give it a good rinse. Make sure to park in an area with good drainage, especially if you’re rinsing off saltwater. 

What’s your boat cleaning routine? Hopefully, this list of tips inspires you to stay on top of your cleaning tasks. Our team at Texas Malibu, located in Austin, TX, would be happy to help you establish the best cleaning practices for your boat! We offer service, repairs, and financing, and proudly serve the boating communities surrounding the New Braunfels area.