Whether you’re a first-time boat owner or a seasoned expert, you’ll want to take all possible measures to maintain your prized possession. Your boat allows you to hit the open waters, spend time with your family, and create everlasting memories of your trips. That’s why you’ll want to keep pests and critters away so you can enjoy your outings in a safe, reliable, and hygienic vessel.

Here are a few sure-fire strategies to keep animals away, so keep reading to learn more. If you need more tips or information, contact Texas Malibu!

Clean Your Boat Regularly

You'll want to clean your boat regularly to prevent pest infestations. Remove leftover food, spills, and other types of trash that can be potential nesting spots. Declutter your vessel and cleanse it inside and outside to help deter animals from invading your boat and making it unsanitary for use.

Use Natural and Scented Deterrents

Natural and scented deterrents can also help repel pests, such as rodents and seals. You can use heavily scented soap bars, dryer sheets, and mothballs to discourage pests from entering your boat and making it their home. Natural repellents like cayenne pepper and ammonia can also come in handy in keeping pests away.

Ultrasonic Sound Devices

Many boat owners, especially those who want to apply a more advanced approach, use ultrasonic sound devices to keep animals at bay. These gadgets are designed to emit frequencies that deter pests. So, keep your options open when shopping for these tools so you can buy models that fit your budget and pest control needs.

We hope these strategies help keep your boat safe, clean, and pest-free. If you need more advice or are still searching for your dream vessel, visit Texas Malibu. We have an impressive collection of premium boats for sale and can help you find the perfect model for your budget and marine lifestyle. We are in Austin, TX, and are happy to welcome our friends from New Braunfels!