Refueling a boat is more complicated than simply cruising up to the dock and refilling your tank. There’s a lot that can go wrong if you’re not careful. That’s why the experts at Texas Malibu have created this guide to safely refueling your boat.

Beware Spills and Vapors

Spilled marine fuel and fuel vapors can gather in your boat’s cracks and crevices. Once there, all it takes is a spark to ignite these fuel traces. That’s why you should always turn off any electrical equipment before you start refueling your boat. Hose lines, engine fittings, and strainers also need to be checked on a routine basis. Finally, don’t forget to shut your vessel’s doors, windows, and hatches to keep unwanted fuel traces out.

Fuel Type

Check your owner’s manual to see which fuel types are compatible with your vessel. At best, incompatible fuel won’t work properly, and at worst you can cause your boat’s engine some serious damage.

Filling the Tank

A boat’s fuel tank makes a distinctive sound when it’s almost full. By listening for this sound, you can easily pinpoint the moment when you need to start pumping. If there’s a lot of activity around the refueling dock and you’re having trouble hearing, give it your best estimate. There’s nothing stopping you from leaving the dock with a tank that is only eighty or ninety percent full.

Handling Spills

If you have a fuel spill on your hands, never remove it via dish soap. Soap will increase the fuel’s density, creating an environmental hazard when it sinks to the bottom of the waterway. Instead, wipe up any fuel spills using a fuel-absorbent pad.

Before Leaving

Once you’re done filling up, make sure that your boat is free of fuel fumes before you leave the dock. Turn on your boat blower if your vessel has one installed and open all your vessel’s hatches, windows, and doors to let any potential fumes out. If you smell fumes near the engine or bilge, it’s not safe to leave yet. Once you’re certain that no fuel traces remain, turn on your engine and carefully make your way away from the dock.

Shop boats at Texas Malibu in Austin, Texas. We’re proud to serve communities like New Braunfels, Texas. We also offer boat servicing, repairs, and financing. We hope to see you soon!